
In Myanmar, there are total of 680 hospitals run by the Ministry of Health. It can be noticed by comparison with current population over 42 millions in our country.

Healthcare is available for all people in Myanmar  under a cost sharing scheme where consultant fee is free of charge but drugs, x-rays and various other cost in treatment procedures will be paid for by the patient in public hospitals except in some situations fortunately provided by some charity organizations or by WHO worldwide disease control projects or and the free of charge care which can be issued by authorized person from government etc.

The government spends 0.5% to 3% of the country’s GDP on health care, consistently ranking among the lowest in the world. Although health care system is  free for all, in reality, patients have to pay for medicine and treatment, even in public clinics and hospitals. Public hospitals lack many of the basic facilities and equipment.  The health care is extremely poor especially worse in remote areas like Rakhine State. The entire Rakhine State has fewer hospital beds than the Yangon General Hospital. The following is a summary of the public health care system in the state.

In undeveloped regions of our country, most of the people are poor and many lives were lost even by common diseases which can be cured by correct way of treatment.

ACVO foundation dedicated to help the poor to save many lives by our own charity. All the expenses of medicaments are sponsored by Dr. Jens EHRHARDT & partners from Germany.

We opened as the Dispensary under treated by our Medical Officer Dr. Ye’ Lwin (Samuel).

Our dispensary opens at 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM and 02:00 PM – 04:00 PM every day except Sunday. But sometimes the villagers need emergency health care after opening hours; he always treated to the patients.

According to our records, we have treated about one thousand patients from the period of October 2011 to March 2012 at Kyee Kan Yee village.

Most of the common diseases are hypertension, malaria, liver diseases, skin infections, severe low back pain and diabetes.

Poor people always afraid to go to the hospital even they have serious disease because of their financial problem as nothing is free there. If they have to admit to government hospital, they have to sale something from their house, rice field or cows. After that all of the family members are in trouble to survive even for their daily food and so on as Myanmar has no medical insurance for the non-government employees.

Samuel @ Dr. Ye Lwin saved many poor lives with his treatment.